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Standing Stone State Forest State Park and WMABirding Seasons: Spring A Summer A- Fall A Winter B
Site Description and Habitats Standing Stone State Park covers nearly 11,000 acres on the Cumberland Plateau of north-central Tennessee. The quaint and rustic park is noted for its outstanding scenery, spring wildflowers, fossils and other natural diversity. The park is located in Overton County within a triangle formed by highways connecting Livingston, Gainesboro and Celina. In the 1930s, Standing Stone was an area plagued with soil erosion and sub-marginal lands. With the assistance of the Civilian Conservation Corps, the Work Projects Administration, the Resettlement Administration and U.S. Forest Service, the area was made productive again. The park takes its name from the Standing Stone, an eight-foot-tall rock standing upright on a sandstone ledge, which was supposedly used as a boundary line between two separate Indian nations. When the rock fell, the Indians placed a portion of it upon an improvised monument to preserve it. The stone is still preserved in Monterey. Visitors can go hiking, camping, birding, wild flower watching, and picnicking on site. Bird species of interest Spring and Fall Migration: Warblers, vireos, and thrushes are often common across the area. Louisiana Waterthrush, Chipping Sparrow, Tennessee, Blackburnian, Cerulean Warbler, Bay-breasted, Blue-winged, and Blackpoll (spring only) Warbler can be common. Broad-winged Hawk, Baltimore and Orchard Oriole, and Swainson's Thrush. Eastern Whip-poor-wills can be very abundant (mostly heard only) in spring and early summer at dusk and especially on nights with a full moon. Species list via eBird Hotspot Explorer Submit your data to eBird here Detailed directions for birding Standing Stone State Forest Visit the office and explore parking areas and trail heads. There are some nice views and hiking to be done here!
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