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Roaring River ParkBirding Seasons: Spring A Summer B Fall A Winter B
Site Description and Habitats Bird species of interest Spring and Fall Migration: Northern Parula, Palm, Pine, Worm-eating, and Blackpoll (spring only) Warbler, American Redstart, Purple Martin, and Yellow-throated Vireo Summer: Summer Tanager, Prothonotary Warbler, Acadian Flycatcher, Chimney Swift, Eastern Wood-pewee, Baltimore Oriole, Red-eyed Vireo Winter: White-crowned, Swamp, and Field Sparrow, Eastern Meadowlark, Ring-billed Gull Year-Round: Great Blue Heron, Cedar Waxwing, Cooper's Hawk, Bald Eagle, Mourning Dove, Eastern Phoebe List of species seen here during bird surveys via Steve Stedman Submit your data to eBird here
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