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Murfree Spring Wetland at the Discovery Center

Birding Seasons:
Spring A+
Summer B
Fall A+
Winter B

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Site Description and Habitats

From the parking lot, a short trail goes along the wetlands and alongside the Discovery Center. The main boardwalk and trails go away from the Discovery Center and pass a small playground and restroom facility. The trails travel through flooded willow swamps, mature hardwoods, and open water wetlands that provide for a wide variety of species to be found. Spring and fall songbird migration can be excellent.

Bird species of interest

Spring and Fall Migration: Warblers, vireos, thrushes and flycatchers can be common. Yellow-crowned Night-Heron nest on site, swallows, and more regular migrants like Northern Waterthrush, Yellow, Palm, Blackpoll (spring only), and Tennessee Warbler, Swainson's, Gray-cheeked, and Hermit Thrush, Veery, and Eastern Kingbird.

Summer: Yellow-crowned Night-Heron, Wood Duck, Common Grackle, Red-winged Blackbird, American Robin, Eastern Phoebe, and Canada Goose

Winter: Rusty Blackbird at the spring

Year-Round: Wood Duck, Canada Goose, Mallard, Mourning and Eurasian Collared-Dove

Rarities Seen at this Site: Connecticut Warbler, Olive-sided Flycatcher, Yellow-bellied, Least, Willow, and Alder Flycatcher (all rare in the county), Peregrine Falcon, Virginia Rail, Sora (both rails rare in the Nashville area).

Species list via eBird Hotspot Explorer

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Other wildlife viewing opportunities
River otters are common

Detailed directions for birding the Discovery Wetlands.

From Broad Street in Murfreesboro, the entrance to the Discovery Center wetlands is on the southwest side of the road about 0.3 mile south of the intersection of Hwy 231 and Broad Street, at an intersection with S Maney Rd. From the parking lot, walk the boardwalk, which more or less does a figure eight.

Lat-Long (GPS) coordinates
35.83964, -86.387497

Fees and Hours
Open during day light hours, year round, with no fee for walking the wetlands trails, but there is a fee for the Discovery Center.

There are restroom facilities and picnic tables.

The Discovery Center, 502 S.E. Broad Street, Murfreesboro. TN 37130; (615) 890-2300

Info for other sites
Tennessee's Watchable Wildlife web site