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Ernest Rice WMABirding Seasons: Spring A Summer A Fall B Winter B+
Site Description and Habitats The area contains 2000 acres of mature bottomland hardwood forest. There is also 500 acres of early successional fields, reforestation, and some farmland. Access is by a primary all weather gravel road. Roads are well maintained. Access may be limited by the level of the Mississippi and Obion Rivers, which can flood over the roads. Do not attempt to drive through flood waters.
Bird species of interest Spring and Fall Migration: Any and all passerines can be found, including Magnolia, Tennessee, Blackpoll (spring), Eastern Wood-pewee, Rose-breasted Grosbeak, Wood Thrush. Summer: Summer Tanager, Acadian Flycatcher, Prothonotary Warbler, and Mississippi Kites. A large rookery of mostly Great Egrets and some Great Blue Herons is in the southeast corner of the WMA in the woods and is fairly inaccessible. Warbling Vireo and Baltimore Oriole can be found in flooded areas and near the river, which is also tough to get to. Winter: Horned Larks, Killdeer and Northern Harriers are common sites during this season. Year-Round: Carolina Chickadee, Tufted Titmouse, Wild Turkey, and other resident woodland birds such as Barred Owl. Species list via eBird Hotspot Explorer Submit your data to eBird here Other wildlife viewing opportunities
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