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Couchville Cedar Glade State Natural AreaBirding Seasons: Spring A+ Summer A Fall A+ Winter B
Site Description and Habitats Couchville Cedar Glade SNA is a relatively small natural area (122 acres), however its beauty and diversity in wildlife makes the site a treat. A mile long hiking trail loops through one of the best examples of a cedar glade left in middle Tennessee. Extensive bare rock intermixed with grasses and wildflowers are the highlight at this site. Bird species of interest Spring and Fall Migration: Common Nighthawk, Prairie Warbler, Field Sparrow, Yellow- breasted Chat, Eastern Kingbird Year-Round: Resident birds Species list via eBird Hotspot Explorer
Submit your data to eBird here Other wildlife viewing opportunities Butterflies can be abundant. Tennessee Coneflower (recently delisted from the Endangered Species List) blooms in abundance in May and June. Detailed directions for birding Couchville Cedar Glade SNA From I-40 exit on Highway 171 and go south on South Mount Juliet Rd. for about six miles then bear left onto South Mt Juliet Rd. The parking area is one half mile on the right. From I-24, exit at Old Hickory (southeast Nashville near Hickory Hollow Mall) and proceed east for approximately 12 miles. Turn right at South Mt Juliet Rd about one and one half miles past the Long Hunter State Park entrance. The parking area is one half mile on the right. From the parking lot, there is a loop trail that travels through the natural area. Stay on the trail and enjoy the birds and wildflowers. Lat-Long (GPS) coordinates Parking lot: 36.10122, -86.52944 Fees and Hours Open year round, daylight hours. No fees for use. Facilities No restrooms are available. Contact Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation (TDEC) Bureau of State Parks, Long Hunter State Park 2910 Hobson Pike, Hermitage, TN 37076 615-885-2422 Info for other sites