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Cheatham WMABirding Seasons: Spring A+ Summer A- Fall A Winter B
Site Description and Habitats Cheatham WMA, 20,810 acres, consists of primarily upland hardwood forests with some pine stands present. There are also open fields, scrub shrub, and food plots where wildlife may be more easily observed. Miles of gated roads and ATV trails are excellent hiking trails and are available in many places off the main gravel roads that snake through the WMA. Two different GPS tracked Golden Eagles that were trapped and tracked by TWRA spent a night on the WMA in early 2014 on their way north!
Bird species of interest Spring and Fall Migration: Warblers, vireos, and thrushes are often common across the area. Cerulean Warblers are rare breeding birds, most often found on Dunn Hollow Rd. in April and May. Louisiana Waterthrush, Eastern Phoebe, Chipping Sparrow, Tennessee,Blackburnian, Bay-breasted, Blue-winged, and Blackpoll Warbler can be common. Eastern Whip-poor-wills can be very abundant (mostly heard only) in spring and early summer at dusk and especially on nights with a full moon. Summer: Cerulean Warbler (rare, and tough to find after late May), Hooded Warbler, and Summer Tanager. Louisiana Waterthrush, Ovenbird, Acadian Flycatcher, Red-eyed Vireo, Worm-eating Warbler, Northern Parula, Prairie Warbler, Yellow-breasted Chat, Blue Grosbeak, and Indigo Bunting. Winter: Sparrows such as Song, Swamp, White-throated, Fox, Field, and can be common in brushy areas. Year-Round: Barred Owl, Hairy Woodpecker, Wild Turkey. Rarities Seen at this Site: Olive-sided Flycatcher Species list via eBird Hotspot Explorer Submit your data to eBird here
Detailed directions for birding Cheatham WMA Upon entering the WMA, pick up a map, if any are available, at the checking station and follow the main gravel road through the WMA. Numerous roads go off the main road and are open to foot traffic. These side roads are not always well maintained and are best explored on foot anyway. Dunn Hollow Road (first road on your left after you go through the open gate by the checking station) is a good place to try for Cerulean Warbler. Lat-Long (GPS) coordinates Fees and Hours Hazards Facilities Contact Info for other sites