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Bicentennial Trail

Birding Seasons:
Spring A+
Summer A
Fall A+
Winter B

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Site Description and Habitats

The trail is 3.7 miles of paved trail through forests, rock outcrops, and bottomland hardwood forest along the Cumberland River. The trail continues northwest from Chapsmanboro Rd access all the way to a park by Cheatham Dam. Some parts of the trail are not paved, but are less used by cyclists.

Bird species of interest

Spring and Fall Migration: Wood Ducks (breed here, but are tough to find in summer), a wide variety of warblers including Bay-breasted, Blackburnian, Wilson's, Magnolia, Tennessee, Blackpoll (spring only), Nashville, among others. Philadelphia Vireos can be found among the numbers of Red-eyed Vireos. White-eyed Vireo, Wood Thrush, and Swainson's Thrush can be common.

Summer: Prothonotary Warbler, Northern Parula, Hooded Warbler, Kentucky Warbler

Winter: Hermit Thrush, Winter Wren, numerous sparrow species, Ruby-crowned and Golden-crowned Kinglet, and Brown Creeper.

Year-Round: Bald Eagle, Red-headed Woodpecker, Barred owl, resident species like Eastern Towhee, Hairy Woodpecker, Carolina Wren, and Eastern Bluebird.

Species list via eBird Hotspot Explorer

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Detailed directions for birding Bicentennial Trail
From downtown Nashville, take I-40 West to Exit 204 (Briley Parkway/Robertson Road). Turn right (north) onto Briley Parkway. Take Exit 24 (Ashland City Hwy/Hwy 12) to Ashland City. From north of Nashville, take I-24 West to Exit 24 (Hwy 49). Turn left (south) onto Hwy 49 to Ashland City.

Once in Ashland City, go northwest on Highway 12 and turn left after the bridge by Deerfield Inn, onto Chapmansboro Rd. The parking area is not far up the road on the right. There is a sign for the trail and for Cheatham Lake WMA.

Lat-Long (GPS) coordinates
Chapsmanboro Rd access: 36.28553, -87.07982

Fees and Hours
No fees are required to access these areas. These areas are accessible during daylight hours year round.

There are restroom at the half way point on the trail and port-a-potties at some of the parking areas.

Ashland City Parks and Recreation

Info for other sites
Tennessee’s Watchable Wildlife web site