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Anderson Road Recreation AreaBirding Seasons: Spring A Summer C Fall A Winter A+
Site Description and Habitats The fitness trail provides many good views of the lake, travels through mixed hardwoods and cedar forest, and leads to a day use area that is closed to vehicles from fall through spring. The recreation area is only open to vehicles in summer and is often crowded, however the birding is best in the offseason which happens to be when it is closed to vehicles and few people use the area. We recommend parking at the trail head for the fitness trail and walking. The full loop takes 1 hour or more to walk and bird watch, so plan accordingly.
Bird species of interest Spring and Fall Migration: Prairie Warbler, Yellow-breasted Chat, Field Sparrow, Red-winged Blackbird, Orchard Oriole, and Cedar Waxwing. Summer: Local Mallards, Canada Geese, and occasionally a lingering immature/nonbreeding Common Loon Winter: Common Loon, Ring-billed Gull, Bonaparte's Gull, many species of waterfowl are possible including American Black Duck, Northern Pintail, Bufflehead, Common Goldeneye, Red- breasted Merganser. Golden-crowned and Ruby-crowned Kinglet, Brown Creeper, Hermit Thrush, and White-throated Sparrows can be regular. Year-Round: Carolina Chickadee, Northern Cardinal, Northern Mockingbird. Rarities Seen at this Site: Eared Grebe, Tundra Swan, a Yellow Warbler was found and seen by a group on the local Christmas Bird Count on 1 Jan 2014. Species list via eBird Hotspot Explorer Submit your data to eBird here
Detailed directions for birding Anderson Recreation Area Lat-Long (GPS) coordinates Fees and Hours Hazards Facilities Info for other sites